Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cut Coins

Here are two new coin cuttings.

Half Dollar

Unknown foreign coin

3 D Word Block

This one was done for a co-worker of mine who's daughter is big into Harry Potter. I used the scroll saw key chain maker by Steve Good.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Ornament

Hi all, First let me wish everyone a happy and safe holiday.

I wanted to try something a "little " different for a Christmas tree ornament. This deer is a compound cut and then carved for a more real look. The tree is carved from a toothpick. I placed them in a half of a carved out walnut shell. Over all size is 1 1/4 h x 3/4 w. Had to wear those mag glasses for this one.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

More Crosses

Here are two more crosses designed by Sue Mey.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Firefighter Cross

This one is my first cutting from a series of crosses designed by Sue Mey.

Sue is from South Africa and designs and cuts various aspects of scroll saw art.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Wood Fan

I watched the Lumber Jack carving episode on The Woodwright’s Shop with Roy Underhill and his guest Glen Van Antwerp who carved a wooden fan from one piece of wood.

I wanted to try cutting a wood fan made from one piece of wood also, but cut it on a scrollsaw. I used the basic design as described on the Woodwright’s show adjusting a few measurements here and there for more control on the scrollsaw.

I used bass wood 1-1/2” x 1-1/2” x 10-1/2 and a # 5r blade. After cutting out the basic design I started cutting the fan blades. The key here is “cut slow” when you’re cutting with the grain. The thickness varies from 1-1/2” at the top to .1/2” at the interlock then back up to 1-1/2” then down to 1/8”. Each blade is approx. 1/16 to 1/32 thick. No two blades will be the same thickness.

I handcarved the handle to a smooth finish and sanded. A coat of cherry and burgundy was applied to the handle followed by several coats of poly. I wove a burgundy ribbon through the open spaces at the top of the fan.

Cutting this fan was very challenging. The fanning out of the blades was easy but I was always waiting for one to break and some did.

This is a functional fan, however it is fragile. To be used with care.

Check out the following sites for more information.

The Woodwright's Shop:

Cedar Fan Carving with Glen Van Antwerp:

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Quarters with some unique designs.

Firefighters with a hose line

Firefighter with Axe

For race fans # 24 on a California state quarter

Elvis on a Tennessee state quarter

Emergency Medical Technician


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